Director Profiles



Alfred Meyer

Alfred (Fred) Meyer has accumulated 28 years of experience working in exhibitions, congresses and special events; not only in Australia but throughout Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, The USA, South Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

He directed the Australian International Motor show from 1988 until 1998 in Sydney, and spearheaded some 84 different ‘Made in Australia’ country pavilions and exhibitions.

In 1996, he became the Operations Manager for a major integrated Australian national promotion called ‘Australia India New Horizons’, which consisted of approximately 80 events taking place in the six Indian state capitals concurrently. In Australia, he became the principle designer and Professional Congress Organiser for the Australian Business Conference in 1997.

Fred’s experiences of note include acting as consultant for the Jakarta International Fair grounds, as well as for various exhibition and event companies in Indonesia, India and Switzerland.

Presently, Fred is active as the primary organiser for the EAES Congresses in Europe, and as director with Excellence in Society and Congress (ESC) BV, in addition to managing Globe Expo in Perth.

Fred is active on the the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) WA council, currently known as the State Advisory Committee for over 10 years, he was as the AMI State President for 4 years from 2010-2014.


Timothy Meyer

Tim Meyer has accumulated over 10 years of experience working as a project manager in a range of projects ranging from major international exhibitions to building accommodation in remote Western Australia to buuilding projects both in the private and commercial sector. 

Whilst being qualified as a Carpeter and supervisior, Tim has a passion for delivering quality workmanship, advising clientele and identifying best practice solutions. 

In addition he has worked in the commercial field as an account-project manager in marketing delivering corprate fit outs and exhibitions.

Presently Tim is working as Director of Operations of the Globe Team.

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